

窪田美樹 芸術文化センター作品 Miki Kubota

窪田美樹 1975年 神奈川県生まれ・神奈川県在住

Miki Kubota, born in Kanagawa in 1975, currently residing in Kanagawa
"A Light source"
Kubota creates her works by repeating simple actions such as crumpling
up papers or burying things. The surface of an object -- a furniture
in this case -- is printed on a paper, which is then crumpled and
buried on a furniture put together and thus turning back into an
object. In this exhibition, the light illuminates the skin, which then
links the self and the external environment. By objectifying light,
which can not be grasped as a shape, ties between virtual and real,
surface and inner, and self and external come up complicatedly.

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